Monday, January 25, 2010


Well Pizza is one of the best meals you can make yourself, and have company over and enjoy showing off your dough throwing in the air skills. It is the meal I have at home on the day I make bread, easily enough to pull of some of the dough and throw some herbs in it and a little oil for pizza dough,,, YUM

dough requires
a couple teaspoons of yeast risen (in a cup with a small pinch of sugar and a little tepid water and then mixed till somewhat dissolved)
then a couple of cups of tepid/warm (definitely not hot) water
then add some quality bread type flour (white is easiest) to the water until you get a big dough mess
then throw it out onto a table a flour and sprinkle some salt on it and knead, knead for about ten minutes then leave it to rise...
once you get a big puffy ball of fun you can knead it again a little and leave it to rise again...
then that is your dough,,, It should be workable and not sticky,
on a floured surface roll out your dough, or whatever makes you look the most skillfull, like spinning it in the air doing backflips...
until it looks like a pizza base...
add some pesto or/and tomato paste
some bocchini (yum,,, you can use the standard mozzarella or cheddar if makes you happy)
whatever you want really
artichoke hearts
sundried tomatoes
anchovies (if your into that kind of thing)
sunchokes sliced
baked and seasoned tofu chunks
lar di
bake for fifteen minutes
eat delight

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