Monday, June 8, 2015

Chocolate orange truffles

Lately I've been making bliss balls, as I have a huge sweet tooth which is always wanting treats of some form or rather. So I tell myself it's okay to eat these all up! The other week I decided to make up a new recipe which I'm sure exists out there somewhere. The result was mouthwatering good. Exactly what I was trying to achieve. Chocolatey orange goodness. If this sounds like your cup of tea, read on.  

I kind of threw everything into the blender without paying much attention to the measurements but I'll try a rough guide.

1 C Coconut
1 C Almond meal
1C dates
1 Orange
2 T Raw cacao /cocoa
2 T coconut oil
Chocolate for coating the truffles

Soak the dates for a few hours/overnight in hot water, or boil for an hour or so. Drain, and Blitz in the blender until a paste has formed. Melt the coconut oil, add the zest and juice of an orange and add the rest of the ingredients and blitz together until chocolatey goodness is formed. Roll into balls. In the blender add 1/2 c chocolate , chocolate chips etc and blend until fine. Roll the truffles into the chocolate and pop into the fridge to set. 

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