Friday, December 23, 2011

Beetroot Condiment

Beetroot condiment

So Grabbing a large bowl and grating in some
- beetroot
- and onion
- some pear or apple
- garlic and ginger

then add to this some 
- mustard seeds 
- ground cumin and coriander
- ground allspice, nutmeg and clove

then chuck this in a pot and cook it down, after the vegetables and such have softened you can add some 
- malt vinegar...
watch not to put your face over the pot and breath in too sharply or quickly, it is powerful stuff

but then after it has all had its little relish party on low heat for about half hour you can turn it off and let it recover...
Yum yum, this goes great on your morning eggs on toast, on top of halloumi cheese or anywhere you please... 
Powerful and versatile beetroot relish stuff,

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