Friday, April 15, 2011

Creamy Curried Parsnip and Leek Soup


we had this last night on a rather rainy day... This morning I woke up and couldn't see outside due to the thick grey fog... I wish we had left overs then I Would have something to look forward to for lunch, but now i just want to go back to bed...

A few Parsnips
A leek
A hunk of ginger
Some tumeric
curry spice
cream and
vegetable stock...

Cut the top and tail off the parsnips and dice into small chunks,
slice the leek, fry in pot in buter and spices with ginger... then when the leek is sweaty enough add the vegetable stock enough to cover the mix in the pot...
when the parsnips are super soft, meaning you can easily put a knife/fork through, blend the mix and add some fresh cream...
sprinkle with fresh parsley and serve while nice cosy and warm...

( stole image from here